Sunday, September 28, 2008

Saturday Slumber Party

Jonah has been asking if we could all sleeo together on the living room floor. Since we have been having some listening issues with him, we thought we could use this as a reward. So, after getting a full week of doing well at school and at his babysitters and home of course, we scheduled the O'Hara Slumber Party for saturday.

Jonah could NOT wait.

Jonah brought down every pillow in the house, we grabbed a bunch of blankets and made a snuggle corner.

We made some popcorn, had some jelly beans and milk.
The movie of choice was Speedracer - which as a side note i should let you know it is KIFE!!
We watched about 45 minutes of the movie and Jonah said, "OK, its time for us to go to sleep now!" Never known a kid to be so excited to go to sleep!

So off the lights went at 9:10pm.

Now, I thought Jonah would fall asleep and then Daddy and I could watch tv or something. No chance. Jonah and Sean were SNORING by 9:30!!

With my foot being fractured, it was very hard for me to get comfortable because, well, Sean kept kicking it!! ARGH! So I moved over to the couch.

While it was cute and all, not so sure I would choose that as a reward again. LOL

Isn't funny how kids will think that this was the most fantastic time ever? Love it.
Here is a pic of all of us snuggled in.


Jayne said...

How fun is that! Bet he will remember forever :)

Lee said...

Fantastic! You're a great mum :)